10 Positive Mental Health Habits Successful People Swear By

10 positive mental health habits


Do you ever wonder what makes some people so wildly successful? Talent and hard work are important, but here’s the real deal: mental health. Yes! A lot of us are busy trying to reach our goals, but the real key is to keep your mind fit. In fact, successful people swear by these 10 positive mental health habits to stay in check, reach their goals, and keep their sanity.

It’s not just a trend to be mentally healthy; it’s a must. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that 1 in 4 people around the world will have a mental or neurological condition at some point in their lives. It’s shocking, right? This makes these mental health habits essential for success, whether you’re trying to succeed at work or relax.

“Pay attention to your mental health; it’s very important. Live each moment like it’s your last because it is,” says motivational speaker Mel Robbins. And she’s right on! Mental health habits that you put first, like practicing mindfulness or starting self-care routines for stress, can make a huge difference in your personal and work life.

Are you ready to learn about the habits that outstanding people have? Let’s jump right in!

10 Positive Mental Health Habits

10 positive mental health habits

1. Start the Day Right: Morning Routine for Mental Health

A regular morning habit is the key to getting your mind clear and getting more done. Including positivity, movement, and mindfulness will help you have a wonderful day.

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: To calm your mind and focus on your breath, start by meditating for 10 to 15 minutes. This practice makes you less stressed and anxious, which prepares you for the difficulties that lie ahead.
  • Exercise for Mental Health: Doing yoga or going for a quick walk is a beneficial way to get your body moving and release endorphins. According to a report from Harvard, morning exercise can boost cognitive function and lower stress by 30%.
  • Affirmations and Gratitude: Think about your goals and affirmations, then note down three things you’re grateful for in your gratitude journal. This habit makes you feel positive and gives you a reason for the day.
  • Real-Life Example: Many successful CEOs, including Tim Ferriss and Richard Branson, swear by their morning routines. Branson goes kitesurfing first thing in the morning while Ferriss meditates and writes in his notebook.

Robin Sharma, who wrote The 5 AM Club, says, “How you start your morning will determine how well your day goes.”

Key Takeaways:

  • Start a day by meditating for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Increase serotonin by doing physical activities.
  • Write affirmations and notes of thanks in a journal.
  • Set up a regular morning routine to calm down and feel more emotionally stable.

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2. Practice Mindfulness for Anxiety Relief

Are you having too much fun? We’ve all been there. It’s good that being aware can help. To be mindful, you have to pay attention to the present moment and stop judging your thoughts and feelings. People who feel like life is too stressful can use this powerful tool to help them feel less stressed and anxious.

Breathing exercises, guided meditation, or even a mindful walk can calm your mind. A 2020 study in the Journal of Clinical Psychology found that mindfulness lowers anxiety levels by 58%. Now, that’s what I call a mental reset! For example, breathing exercises can have a direct effect on your brain, lowering your heart rate and calming your “fight-or-flight” reaction.

Mindfulness exercises for anxiety are known to help athletes deal with physical stress. When they stay present, they do better under pressure and deal with problems more easily. Mindfulness is helpful for everyone, not just professional athletes.

The father of MBSR, Jon Kabat-Zinn, says, “Mindfulness is a way of making friends with ourselves and our experience.” So why not give it a try? You’ll feel better after reading this.

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3. Build Emotional Intelligence for Stronger Relationships

Everyone knows what IQ is, but have you ever considered your emotional intelligence (EQ)? EQ means understanding and controlling your own and others’ emotions. This skill is very important for maintaining good mental health and surviving life’s ups and downs. Having a good EQ can make all the difference in your personal life and at work.

To raise EQ, you need to work on things like self-awareness, kindness, and controlling your emotions. Daniel Goleman’s research shows that “85% of a person’s success in life is based on their emotional intelligence.” Emotionally intelligent people are better able to deal with disagreements, speak clearly, and make stronger and healthier connections. All of these things lower stress and improve health.

Think about businesspeople who are excellent at what they do. Emotional intelligence practices help them lead teams, deal with stress, and keep the workplace positive. Being mentally aware is just as important as being smart.

Daniel Goleman, who wrote Emotional Intelligence, says, “Emotional intelligence is the key to both personal and professional success.” If you want to improve your relationships and mental health, get to work on your EQ right away.

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10 positive mental health habits

4. Prioritize Self-Care Routines for Stress Management

Do you ever feel like you can’t go on? So, it’s time to focus on self-care habits to help deal with stress. Being selfish isn’t fun, but it’s necessary in this busy world. It’s good for your mental health to do things for yourself, like taking breaks, doing hobbies, or just treating yourself. You’re not being greedy; you’re protecting your mental health.

The American Psychological Association did a poll and found that 63% of people have trouble dealing with stress. If that sounds like you, making time for self-care can help you avoid burnout and even depression. Taking care of yourself is like charging your internal power. You can’t do your best without it.

Take the way great entrepreneurs take care of themselves as an example. A lot of people say that mindful walking, meditation, or even getting massages once a week helps them deal with stress. You can handle life’s problems better if you take time for yourself.

“Self-care is giving the world the best of you instead of what’s left of you,” says Katie Reed. The smart woman. Take a break, and you earned it.

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5. Cultivate Resilience with Mental Toughness Techniques

Resilience helps you get back on your feet after life throws you a shock. It is important to be able to keep going even when things go wrong. Even resilient people go through challenging times. To get through them, they use mental toughness techniques like problem-solving, positive self-talk, and changing the way they think about negative things.

An American Psychological Association study shows that strong people are less likely to get anxiety and depression. The best way to build mental resilience is not to avoid problems but to overcome them. Over time, simple things like taking on small tasks every day can help you become more resilient.

Think about how strong leaders deal with setbacks in their lives. They don’t focus on the bad things; instead, they see problems as chances to learn and grow. This way of thinking not only makes them feel better but also increases their chances of succeeding.

One person who works to improve mental health says, “The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us; the strongest people are those who win battles we know nothing about.” Building up your resilience will help you do more than just live.

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6. Engage in Regular Physical Activity for Mental Clarity

Have you ever noticed how a good workout can make you feel different? It’s for a reason: physical activity isn’t just about staying fit; it’s also important for mental clarity. Regular exercise reduces stress, boosts happiness, and improves cognitive function.

As per the Mayo Clinic, daily exercise can cut down on anxiety and depression symptoms by as much as 30%. That changes everything, right? Endorphins are hormones that make you feel positive and help you deal with stress. When you exercise, whether it’s a daily jog, yoga, or going to the gym, you release them.

This is clear in the lives of sports professionals. They don’t just work out their bodies; they also make sure their minds are clear by doing exercise routines. It’s no surprise that they can do such a great job under pressure.

Working out changes more than just your body. It changes your mind, your attitude, and your mood, as someone put it. This is something we should all remember. Now that you’ve put on your shoes get moving for your mental and physical health!

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10 positive mental health habits

7. Develop Positive Thinking and Gratitude Practices

Everyone has heard the phrase mind over matter, and it’s true! Gratitude practices and positive thinking are powerful techniques that can change the way you think and feel and improve your general health. By focusing on the good things in your life, you can teach your brain to be positive when things go wrong.

Gratitude journaling is a simple method to begin. Just write down a few things you’re thankful for every day. Practicing gratitude has even been shown to boost happiness by 25% and lower signs of depression. That’s not bad for just a few minutes of thought, right?

People who are leaders and successful often make it a habit to be thankful every day. No matter what life throws at them, it helps them stay grounded and keep a positive attitude.

“Gratitude makes what we have enough,” as the wise Aesop said. You’re giving your mind room to grow and thrive by getting into these habits.

8. Nighttime Rituals for Relaxation and Better Sleep

Everyone loves getting a relaxing night’s sleep. It’s not just a nice-to-have; it’s a mental health necessity. Getting enough rest is very important for mental clarity and emotional health. The National Sleep Foundation actually says that people should get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep every night to keep their mental health in excellent shape.

Your nighttime rituals are a big part of sleeping well. You can really relax and fall asleep better if you meditate, read a book, or spend less time in front of a screen before bed. Getting enough sleep every night is important for lowering stress and boosting your ability to concentrate for the next day.

Many entrepreneurs swear by certain routines before bed that help them clear their minds and prepare for a busy day tomorrow.

According to the Dalai Lama, “sleep is the best meditation.” So, prioritize your nighttime habits to get a calmer, better mind.

9. Set Achievable Goals to Stay Focused and Motivated

Have you ever felt like you had no idea where you were going? A great way to stay inspired and keep your mental health in good shape is to set achievable goals. Doing small things gives you a mental boost that makes you feel more focused and in control.

A study from the Dominican University of California found that people who write down their goals are 42% more likely to reach them. That’s a fantastic result for a simple habit! When you break up your big goals into smaller ones, more manageable steps, you can improve your mental clarity and avoid feeling stressed.

A lot of successful CEOs say that constant goal-setting and tracking is what made them successful. There are little steps you can take to make that dream come true.

Tony Robbins says that “setting goals is the first step in making the invisible visible.” Keep your mind on your goals and follow them as you go.

10 positive mental health habits

10. Strengthen Social Connections for Emotional Support

Have you ever noticed how a great chat with a close friend can make you feel better right away? Social connections are very important for emotional health. Emotional support from healthy relationships helps people deal with worry and be content in the long run. In fact, Harvard’s longest-running study on human growth found that having close friends and family is important for a happier, more fulfilling life.

Strong social ties help us get through challenging times. They can be formed through spending time with family and friends or building a business network. Getting emotional support can be as simple as having someone listen to you or as complicated as finding a mentor in your work life. Successful people sometimes credit others for their success.

As the wise Brené Brown put it, connectivity makes our lives meaningful and explains why we’re here. Spending time with happy people is best for mental wellness.


These 10 positive mental health habits can really change your life if you do them every day. Having a good morning routine, taking care of yourself, and making and keeping social connections are all habits that are very important for your mental health. Successful people trust these methods because they know that mental health is also as essential as physical health for long-term happiness and success.

If you follow these habits, you’ll improve your emotional intelligence, resilience, and mental clarity and feel less stressed, anxious, and burned out. Starting small is the key to success. Work on one bad habit at a time and let the good changes happen on their own. It won’t take long to develop habits that improve your mood, productivity, and outlook.

“Care for your mind is just as important as care for your body,” as the saying goes. You can’t ignore it. “Why wait, then? Start these mental health habits right now, and you’ll see how they help you live a better, more satisfying life.

Relevant Links to Include:

  1. Mindful—for mindfulness exercises and meditation practices.
  2. American Psychological Association—for more information on mental health and emotional resilience.
  3. Harvard Health—for studies and insights on mental health habits.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are positive mental health habits?

Mindfulness, exercise, and setting goals are all examples of positive mental health habits that can help you boost your mental health, lower your stress, and keep your emotions in check.

How can I start improving my mental health?

Start with small habits, like writing in a gratitude journal or meditation, and build up a pattern that works for you.

How can I manage stress better?

Mindfulness techniques, self-care routines, and staying in touch with friends and family are all wonderful ways to deal with stress.

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